Monday, January 3, 2011

Better late than never

Obviously my first resolution should be to stop procrastinating. However, as I plan to make resolutions this year that I can actually keep - it is not on the list. My delay is partly due to the cold my family was kind enough to leave me when they left on Saturday, and partly related to my actually giving my resolutions a lot of thought this year.

Instead of dreaming big as I am apt to do, this year, I wanted to think small. Instead of grandiose plans to cure disease, end hunger, and establish peace all while eating perfectly and dropping thirty pounds, I wanted to force myself to come up with a specific list of things I hope to accomplish this year. A TO DO list if you like. Here goes:

1. Put myself on a budget - might as well start with the hardest one first. I am loathe to admit it, but it might be time to grow up and act responsibly. If I plan to do any shopping when I retire to Italy, I need to start saving for it now.

2. Practice Spanish at least 2 hours each week. I have now lived here for over a year, and although my medical Spanish is quite good, my conversational Spanish needs some attention. I have the resources and the opportunity to practice - I just need to do it.

3. Take better care of my face. I have good genes and have thus far been relatively lucky, but I need to actually start putting some effort into caring for my skin. Luck and genes won't hold out forever, and my face isn't getting any younger.

4. Read 12 new books this year. I love to read. However, I forget this too often and get distracted by other things. This year needs to see a little less reaching for the remote or computer, and a lot more reaching for the book on the nightstand.

5. Spend an hour each Sunday catching up with friends and family. I struggle during the week to catch up with friends. The timing just never seems right. During the weekends, I plan to catch up, but always seem to get lost in the hubbub that is a weekend. This year I plan to set aside one hour every Sunday to talk to someone or ones that is important to me.

6. Repress road rage. I have allowed Miami to turn me into an angry driver. I can't fix the amount of bad and overly aggressive drivers, but I can fix my reactions to them. Less horn blowing and more letting go is definitely in order.

7. Develop two new hobbies. I know way too many people (particularly surgeons) who never have an answer to the "what do you do for fun" question. I am afraid that I have become one of them. Shopping should not technically be a hobby, and as you can see by #4, my reading isn't what it used to be.

8. Spend five minutes each day giving thanks. I have a very bad habit of focusing on the negative. I may be driving home across the bridge with the top down, a nice ocean breeze, with a beautiful sunset behind me, but all I see is the traffic. Time to look around and be thankful for the blessed life I really lead.

9. Do four things this year that scare me. I have become too comfortable in my old age. I need to challenge myself a little. Nothing ventured - nothing gained.

10. Do four unexpected things. I am WAY too predictable, and have spent my entire life doing what was expected of me. Time to shake things up a little.

I will keep you guys informed as to how I am doing. Wishing you all luck with your own resolutions, and may we all have a fabulous 2011.

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