Monday, January 24, 2011

I choose happiness

A while back, my best friend sent me a necklace with a pendant on it that said "I choose happiness". She is incredibly great that way. She seems to always know when I need a pick me up and I will get a random card or package in the mail. It is always a little reminder that there are people in the world who have my back. Oprah may have her Gayle, but I'll keep my Kris.

This necklace has become especially important as of late. To say that things have been a little strained at work is something of an understatement. It has nothing to do with patients, and everything to do with politics. We have had intrigue, collusion, conspiracy and deception - all add together to make for a great book, but not such a great working environment. It would be very easy to get caught up in the "plot" of it all, and must admit that I was for a couple of days. Then I found my necklace.

I was rooting through my jewelry drawer looking for a necklace to wear when I saw it. I mean really saw it. I read the pendant and to take the Oprahisms a little further - had my "aha" moment. At the end of the day, happiness is a choice. There are times of absolute sorrow, fear or anger, but most of the times we can take our emotions where we want them to go. We can choose to get caught up in the pettiness going on around us, or we can say "I choose happiness." I choose to believe that things happen for a reason, and at the end of the day we all get back what we put out into the world.

I will continue to be the best me that I can be. I will accept that the only person that I can control is myself. I will choose happiness and the rest of the chips can fall where they may.

Thanks Kris.