Sunday, January 9, 2011

Weekend Wrap-up

Even though it started off with a less than stellar date, I am happy to report the weekend turned out pretty great especially for a call weekend.

I won't bore you with the date details, and believe me bore you it would, Saturday dawned warm and beautiful. After a morning of rounding and interviewing surgical candidates, I headed for a quick trip to the bookstore. Not only picked up a couple of books on photography - my new hobby, but also got my first of twelve "real books" to read this year.

I am starting with Decoded by Jay-Z. Surprised? Me too, very pleasantly so. It was so beautiful on Saturday that I curled up on the day bed for a couple of hours and dug in immediately. The book so far is fascinating.

I was finally able to pull myself back inside and got a few things accomplished. Laundry, dishes, etc. (I lost my cleaning lady over the holiday so need to either find a new one or find a mop. Bet you can't guess which way I'm leaning.) Made a quick trip to Steve Madden for some new sandals I had seen in a magazine as a reward for the cleaning. Motivated by Kris, I even got a mani/pedi and my eyebrows now actually look like eyebrows. A quick stop by Whole Foods for some dinner that was consumed while watching Julie and Julia on TV.

Today back to the hospital which took longer than it should and resulted in my missing church, but at least everyone ended up alive and well. This afternoon, I finally tackled the huge stack of papers on my dining room table, and finally made my budget. It really wasn't as painful as I thought, although my mom did point out that the making of the budget isn't the hard part - it's the keeping of the budget.

Ended the afternoon with some Spanish lessons and catching up with my cousin who I hadn't talked to in a while. Another quick trip to the hospital to hold the Pulmonologist's hand, and now I'm snuggled up on the couch with a mud mask watching Oprah's All Stars.

All in all (and I realize this officially makes me old) a good productive weekend. Let's just hope I can continue the good behavior into the coming week.

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