Monday, July 28, 2008

City has gone to my head

Maybe "City Life" is too much for a small town girl like me. I was just coming in from the parking deck when I noticed this really cute guy pushing his bicycle. We end up standing waiting on the elevator. He made some comment about the weather, and we struck up a conversation. We were both flirting by the end.

Harmless enough, right? I left out a very important part of the story - the kid was barely old enough to drink legally. As all of you know, because I have whined about it quite loudly, I just turned 35. I have no business flirting with a 21 year old college student - even if he has the most adorable blue eyes, and curly blonde hair. I mean come on - he isn't even my type. I tend to go for the dark and brooding type.

I don't know what has come over me, but I guess I have some latent cougar tendencies. I think I should take two aspirin and go to bed. My Life Today is just too outside "my box".

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