Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Things I miss

As I sit here during my second night of call, I realize there are certain things that I miss A LOT. Some expected, and some much less so.

Matt and Grace - not that I don't miss my friends over age 5, but I never realized how much I used those two to stay sane. One "want to play Go Fish Aunt Tammy" or a giggly "do it again" for some reason righted my world more than I realized. I wonder what the chances are of Kris moving here for a year?

Nurse Practioners - I miss quite a few of the NPs as friends, but I miss all of them as members of the team. I feel somewhat as if I am selling out my own profession here, but I am sorry - the complexity of our patients, and the rapid way in which things change - it is much nicer counting on the same NP that you know and knows you and more importantly knows how "we do things" than whichever random surgical resident that you get. They have NPs here, but I have yet to figure out exactly what their job entails.

Non-smelly call rooms - I am the only girl here. Not the first time, but I am the only girl that has been here in quite some time. I can not even begin to describe the call room/office. There is an odor that I can't quite put my finger on, but it is not good. Underwear litters the floor - NOT KIDDING. The TV is balanced precariously on a file cabinet that doesn't open, a desk that wobbles and a Bible. There are three book cases of odd pieces of I am sure someone's medical record. The upper bunk of the bed is reserved for dirty scrubs - these must be kept seperate from the dirty socks and shorts you understand. As soon as I am no longer the "new girl" I plan to seriously clean house - until then I just close my eyes of "Think of England".

Diet Coke - this hospital only has Pepsi products. Enough said.

Sweetheart Attendings - I miss Attendings that view me as something other than a way to get the job done. Literally as I sat here writing this blog - I talked to one and texted with another Vandy Attending who just wanted to check in on me and see how things were going. The attendings are perfectly nice here, but I doubt that I will be having Thanksgiving dinner at any of their homes. It is just different.

Oh well, enough whining. I promise this will not be a place for me to complain. I just wanted you all to know that I miss you like crazy especially tonight.

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