Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Christmas Lights !?!?!?!?

So as I was just driving home from work - much later than it should have been - I was silently lamenting my day in my head. I was also audibly grumbling about the slow traffic so late at night. It was then that I noticed that the traffic was backed up because we were down to one lane due to the trucks placing Christmas decorations and lights on the street lights and trees. Correct - I said Christmas decorations. Last I checked - Thanksgiving day was still two weeks away!

My friend Kris brought this topic up the day after Halloween when she first found Christmas decorations in the store. Although I too found this obnoxious, I tried to argue in my head that this is not the best year to argue against retail stores trying to make money. I imagine they are hurting quite a bit at the moment. Therefore, I bravely fought past the Christmas isles and tuned out the Christmas music at the stores and forged ahead. Christmas decorations - this is my line in the sand.

We made fun of people growing up who left their Christmas lights up all year, but maybe they were just ahead of the curve. It seems that Christmas gets earlier and earlier every year. My issue with this is it takes some of the fun out of it for me. Christmas is a season. One, at least for me, filled with anticipation, wonder, joy and hope. By dragging it out longer and longer, it seems to get a watered down. Before long, it will be Christmas all year. What do you look forward to then?

I am jumping on Kris's bandwagon here. As usual she called it from the start.

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