Monday, November 17, 2008

Clarity at last!

I got a chance to head to our nation's capital this past weekend to catch up with an old friend. I had an amazing trip. I caught up with my friend Jessica from college. We spent a lot of time trying to remember when the last time that we actually had a chance to physically see each other and decided that it was more years ago than either of us were willing to admit. However, we were able to catch up and I got to see a lot of the city while I was there.

I had only been to DC once before ten years ago when I was applying for general surgery residency. I had a brief sleet filled layover that allowed me to see basically none of the city. The Washington Monument was under renovation at the time and completely covered in scaffolding. We also got lost and couldn't even find our way past the White House. Jessica made sure that I was able to catch up on all the Monuments and the White House. I should also point out that she is 34 weeks pregnant, suffering from pre-term labor and has issues with a fibroid that she has named frank. Despite all of this she allowed me to drag her all over the city she grew up in seeing things that she has seen her entire life. Now that is what I call a good friend.

I could continue to regale you with the details of my fantastic weekend, and would be happy to at a later date, but the most exciting decision that came out of this weekend involves my future. As I have complained about before, it is time for me to start applying for jobs. The real kind. I have had some issue with deciding first and foremost where I wanted to live. I have been giving serious thought as to where I can see myself in 10 years. I know that you don't have to keep your first job forever, but I want that option.

I had decided already on the East coast - that is my comfort zone and personality. However, it involves a fairly large piece of real estate. As I was touring the DC area this weekend, I realized that I REALLY liked it there. This got me truly soul searching as to what I want in a place to live. Now in a perfect world, I could pick a place and then magically transport all of my friends there to live. Unfortunately, I haven't lived in a perfect world in quite some time. I decided that while proximity to friends and family are important, I need to look beyond to location and type of practice. Friends and family move - mine more than most. I need to make sure that I really like where I live.

So I made a list of things that I want in my future city. The first thing on my list is just that - A City. I grew up in the middle of nowhere. (Literally my street address is Nowhere Road). It was an amazing way to grow up with lots of freedom and safety, but not what I want as an adult. I am a city girl at heart. It doesn't have to be 1 million people, but urban I want. Secondly, I want seasons. I will always be a Georgia girl - that is where I was born and probably where I will retire. I want something else in the middle. As much as I hate winter - I like the things that winter allows - namely fall and spring. Third, access to water. It doesn't have to be outside my back door, but needs to be a relatively short drive away - I prefer salty by the way. Fourth, driving distance from my parents. My parents don't like to fly. I want to be close enough that they can get into the car and come visit me without it being a two day drive.

With the above qualifications, I have now narrowed my job search. I am finally excited about the whole prospect instead of filled with incredible dread. I am still nervous and stressed of course, but I really see no way around that aspect. Oh - guess I should tell you guys what I have decided. I have decided to look for jobs in Washington DC, Maryland, Virginia, North Carolina and Tennessee. I don't want to limit myself more than that right away - thoracic jobs though getting better are still a little hard to come by. I am still trying to make the Private Practice vs Academic decision so have decided to apply for both to see what is out there. The search has begun in earnest - wish me luck and please forgive my stressful grumpy ramblings over the course of the next several months.

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