Friday, November 21, 2008

White Thanksgiving?????

Okay - we all know I grew up well below the Mason-Dixon line. For those of you who didn't, there is this game we all play come Christmas time. We start wishing for a White Christmas. We play the songs, we send letters to Santa Claus, etc etc. We all have this image of snow covered Christmas trees, lights twinkling bright against the white curtain of snow, and enjoying a Christmas dinner while gazing out at the beautiful snow. Even the grown-ups get into the spirit.

Needless to say - it never happens. It is not like it never snows in Georgia. It does - we get at least an inch every 3-5 years. What doesn't happen is life continuing as normal. Christmas would come to a grinding halt should it ever actually snow back home during that time. We would all be confined to our homes with our milk and bread (Southern joke you would have to be there to believe). We love the idea of snow - we just don't do well with the reality. Because we see it so infrequently, we have romanticized it.

Well, all that may be changing for me. I woke up this AM to a light dusting of snow on the ground with more falling from the sky. Back home, schools would have been cancelled and no one would go to work. Here, people barely glance up. The Southerner in me wants to stand on the street corner and enjoy the wander of the beautiful snow falling. The Southerner in me is also a little worried. They are getting our "January snowstorm" in November. If Thanksgiving is dusted with snow, what will Christmas look like? I have got to run to the grocery store - I am out of milk and bread.

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