Thursday, May 21, 2009

Chicken or the egg??

I have often been perplexed how certain people and things always seem to actually fit into pigeon holes. For example, a certain group of patients that I see with the same diagnosis (which I will leave out on the off chance someone who reads this has it) are all crazy. I don't mean a little different - I mean close to certifiable. It is well know among all in my field. Each field of medicine has a similar group. Does the disease make them crazy or do only crazy people get the disease? I had similar thoughts today when I read an article on MSN about astrology. Do I so perfectly fit my sign because I was born in April? Or have I adapted to fit my sign over the years?

Here is what it said:

Taurus, the second sign of the Zodiac, is all about reward. Unlike the Aries love of the game, Taurus loves the rewards of the game. Think physical pleasures and material goods, for those born under this Sign revel in delicious excess. They are also a tactile lot, enjoying a tender, even sensual, touch. Taureans adore comfort and like being surrounded by pleasing, soothing things. Along these lines, they also favor a good meal and a fine wine. The good life in all its guises, whether it's the arts or art of their own making (yes, these folks are artistic as well), is heaven on Earth to the Taurean-born.

It's the Bull that serves as the Taurean's mascot, and along with that comes the expectation that these folks are bull-headed and stubborn. Yes they are. Hey, this Sign has a Fixed Quality attached to it after all, so expect that things will occasionally grind to a halt. That said, Taureans don't start out with the intention of getting stuck. They simply want to get things done, and it's that steady, dogged persistence that winds up being viewed as stubbornness. Bulls are actually among the most practical and reliable members of the Zodiac, and they are happy to plod along, as it were, in pursuit of their goals. The good news for Bulls is that once they get to the finish line, they'll swaddle themselves in material goods. A self-indulgent beast? Perhaps, but if you toiled as laboriously as these folks do, you'd need some goodies, too.

Bring on the swaddling.

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