Sunday, May 3, 2009


Sinus infection. Not excited about it, but will take it over the H1N1 virus. I have been spared from allergies most of my life. Secretly, I have felt somewhat superior to my mom, sister and many friends who have bad seasonal allergies. I always thought that I had a better immune system that could recognize friend (seasonal allergens) from foe (viruses, bacteria). I guess this year is my karma catch-up. It started a couple of weeks ago. Late for spring some of you might argue, but you have to recall that my spring didn't start until a couple of weeks ago.

Strange that I spent all of my life in the pollen covered South, and it wasn't until I moved North that I developed allergies. I am crossing my fingers that this is a aberration year (on so many levels). In the mean time, I will just go on record as saying that sinus infections suck. I am sure that all the flying isn't helping, but still need to find a job so that can't be helped.

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