Wednesday, May 13, 2009

I'm It

I was "tagged" by my friend Jessica in her blog, and since my life is so boring I had nothing else to talk about - here goes.

8 Things I am looking forward to . . .
1. A Job
2. A place (state, city, dwelling) to call my own
3. A salary that soothes the pain of my sacrifices
4. Trips to visit friends that I haven't seen in way too long
5. Alex's wedding in Hawaii (I am so going)
6. Tennis lessons
7. Full night's sleep
8. Time

8 Things I did yesterday . . .
1. CPR (patient survived - at least he was still alive when I left)
2. Pulmonary conference (boring)
3. LONG HOT shower
4. Really good work-out
5. nap on my couch (I was post call in case you haven't figured it out)
6. America's Next Top Model marathon
7. "Grilled" a steak for dinner
8. Went to bed embarrassingly early

8 Things I wish I could do . . .
1. Find a job
2. Draw
3. Play tennis
4. Swim
5. Remember more often to be thankful for what I have
6. Eco vacation
7. Adventure vacation
8. Move to Tuscany

8 Things I am currently watching . . . (only the first with any regularity)
2. West Wing
3. Law and Order
4. Closer
5. Oprah
6. My second year resident trying to learn to open a chest
7. CTSNET for new job opportunities
8. my life pass by (kidding)

Okay - I think that is everything. Flying to Syracuse tonight for my job interview. Still hoping to hear back from Miami. New job interview for Univ of Mass - Worcester. I seem destined to live up North (teach me to move here in the first place).

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