Sunday, December 14, 2008

Call Day Blues

Call can be a funny thing. As much as I complain about the fact that I am almost always ridiculously busy on call, it is much better than the alternative. Slow calls are the WORST. It is not just the sitting around doing nothing, although that is pretty bad. Slow call days can be depressing.

I mean seriously depressing. I spend most of my life pretty busy. It does not leave a lot of time for self-reflection. On slow call days, you find too much time to think. . . or at least I seem to. To be honest, I think it is less about self-reflection and more about self-pity. I recognize most of the time that I have a pretty great life. I have a job that I enjoy, family that care for me, and great friends. However, on slow call days - all the things that are not perfect in life seem magnified.

Obviously for me, this is one of those slow call days. (Luckily, they are the exception and not the rule for me.) I have basically done nothing but read while waiting on something to happen. I can never get a lot done on call because I hate to be in the beginning of a project and get called away. At least maybe I will get enough sleep today that I can actually accomplish things tomorrow. In the mean time, I will take this rare slow call opportunity and feel sorry for myself. No worries, it is usually short lived and I should be back to normal tomorrow.

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