Monday, December 22, 2008

Goodies Goodies Everywhere

I know that I am not really loving Christmas this year, but if you judge by the number of goodies floating around this hospital - I am in the minority. Anyone who has ever spent much time at a hospital knows that there is always food to be found somewhere. You just have to know where to look. At Christmas, a blind man could find it. I would say that I had never seen so many goodies, but I just have to think back to last year at the hospital. Every counter space is covered with cookies, brownies, fudge, nuts, etc. etc.

I blame my parents - particularly my dad, but I have a hard time saying no when people offer me food. Talking to several of my friends, I think it is a Southern thing. We are just taught to say Yes and Thank you. (I could just unnecessarily be blaming my heritage for a weak will-power - but that's my story.) This year, I was smart. I can simply not afford to gain the requisite "holiday weight". As a matter of fact, I am still trying to lose the "moving weight." Therefore, I went on a diet two weeks ago, and I have told everybody. Therefore, when people offer me such delectable goodies, I can remind them that I am on a diet. So far, I have survived two clinics drowning in goodies - including homemade baklava. I have also successfully managed to avoid the 10 platters of goodies currently sitting in the Thoracic office. I changed my coffee habits to downstairs.

I am not sure that I have actually lost any weight - exercising would probably help. However, I know that I haven't gained any and for this year, I will be happy with that knowledge.

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