Tuesday, December 23, 2008

I need a maid

I am not a messy person - truly I am not. When I say my place is a mess, it usually means that I have been too lazy to unload the dishwasher and there is a dirty plate in the sink. I tend to like order - shocker I know, so I put things back where I got them. Most things in my house have a "place" and it is fairly easy for them to find their way home.

However, some general housekeeping chores I hate. Dusting, mopping and cleaning the bathrooms come quickly to mind. I don't want a maid to wait on me hand and foot - I just want one to clean my bathrooms and dust. I think that is a perfectly reasonable request.

I have a friend who could afford outside cleaning help, but has too many guilt issues about hiring someone (you know who you are). I will be completely honest - I don't get it. Despite the 15 minutes immediately after I walk out of a Wal-mart in disgust, I have no deeply hidden feelings of superiority. It is for me about having someone help with tasks that I find incredibly painful. I have no issues having someone else change the oil in my car although my dad made sure that I know how to do it myself. I refuse to feel guilty about the fact that come July and that real job thing - I will NEVER ever voluntarily clean my bathroom again.

As is probably obvious, I have spent most of the evening getting my apartment ready for parental viewing. It is amazing how things look so incredibly different when you know that your mom is going to see it. Is it just me or does anyone else have that problem? It can look perfectly fine 10 minutes before I find out my mom is coming when all of a sudden it looks like a pigsty. How is it that mom's have this power over their children? Oh well, at least my apartment is tiny.

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