Friday, October 30, 2009

I need a hug

Have you ever had one of those weeks where you can't put your finger on any one thing that went horribly wrong, but yet you finish the week feeling like you were run over by a bus? I am having one of those weeks, and would really like to get the name of the bus driver than ran me down.

The funny thing - when one really big thing goes wrong, I can usually shrug it off and move on. I tell myself that not everything can go my way and that I should just get over it. It is much harder for me when it is a lot of things - even if they are all individually very small. I go to this place where the whole world is out to get me, and things will never again go my way. (I've never denied being overly dramatic.)

I know in my head that this is just an unusually crappy week. I just have trouble selling it to my heart. It usually helps to get munchkin time, but I can't convince Kris to send Matt and Grace down - some nonsense about school or such. Oh well, I have the weekend to recover - or not. We get an extra hour this weekend so to carry on a 10 year tradition - I am on call.

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