Saturday, October 31, 2009

Masochist or just stupid?

I started working with my trainer this week. We met for the first time on Tuesday. She told me we would spend the first few weeks on basics. She wants to stress form while she gets to know me and my limits. I can only schedule twice a week predictably, so we are doing full body work-outs each time.

We did an hour on Tuesday. The first time that I have worked out my muscles in almost 18 months. The worst part for me as always was the ab exercises. Keri (that's my trainer) gave me lots of encouragement, made sure that I wasn't cheating, and let me feel that I was actually accomplishing something. She told me to expect to be very sore on Wednesday, but to work through it by running. I could tell that I had worked out on Wednesday, but in all honesty I have been more sore from bad OR days.

My second work-out was last night. Friday's are easy to book in this town - everyone else has a life and no desire to be at the gym. Keri asked me how I felt after the last workout. This is where I made my fatal error - I told the truth. I knew that it was a mistake the moment I saw the light twinkle in her eye. She had already been way to excited to learn that I had just finished my residency. I think that just means she knows that I am used to being abused and take it well. She then proceeded to beat the crap out of me for the next hour. Getting dressed this morning for work required sitting down to put on my skirt - I couldn't lift my legs high enough. I can barely lift my arms high enough to type this blog. However, I did run today. . . not my fastest time ever, but I did it so that has to count for something.

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