Monday, March 29, 2010

Symphony and Seafood

Had another great weekend. May learn to like this place yet. Would be more convinced if it was pouring down rain today with tornado warnings. I thought I had traded tornadoes for hurricanes. No one said anything about having to deal with both.

Friday night I had tickets to the symphony. For reasons that aren't entirely clear to me, I watched the Cleveland symphony perform in Miami. There was also a techno music festival going on next door. It made for horrible traffic, but hilarious looking crowds. You had the well dressed symphony goers walking side by side with the pink/purple hair punk rockers. It was quite the sight. The symphony was truly amazing. Almost made me want to dust off my old piano.

Saturday was a lazy day for me. I slept in late, read for a bit, went to a Pilates class, and spent the afternoon catching up on Lost. Sunday afternoon brought the Seafood festival. I have been to many festivals in my life - corn, potatoes, watermelon, etc, but never one for seafood. It was great. I have never seen, smelled and tasted so much seafood in my life. They had tons of booths set up from on the local and best seafood places. The food was cheap and plentiful. It was held in a grassy park by the bay - picturesque. They also had local artists and activities set up for kids. Will definitely go back next year. They even had kettle corn - out of place maybe, but wouldn't be a festival without it.

All in all a great weekend.

Friday, March 26, 2010

Make that an Ark

Since moving to South Florida, I have been trying to find a friend with a boat. I want to head out to the open seas with the wind at my back, lie on the deck soaking up rays, or even try my hand at water skiing once again. I don't know what it is exactly about it, but I love the water. It relaxes me and makes me happy. We had a power boat when I was a kid, and my favorite vacations usually involved the week we spent camping at the lake with the boat. Why not buy a boat you ask? Time, expense and hassle. My solution - a friend who owns a boat and invites me out on it. I haven't been successful yet, but I am still looking.

I was starting to think a slight change of plans would be necessary as I headed out this morning. It rains a lot here, however it never seems to rain very hard or very long. You can usually wait 10-15 minutes and the sun is shining again. Not so much this morning. I have tickets to the symphony tonight, so I changed my work-out with my trainer to this morning. A couple of times on the drive to my gym, I was seriously worried about being swept to sea. At one point, I literally had water about 1/3 way up my door, and I drive an SUV! There were a couple of Porsches and a Ferrari sitting off the side of the road - I assume flooded. I eventually made it to both the gym and to work, but the flooding is fairly impressive. Forget the boat, I am looking for an ark.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

I could learn to like this

Despite losing an hour of my weekend off, I must admit it was truly idyllic. The benefits of living in South Florida finally became truly evident to me this weekend. I went to bed Sunday almost liking Miami - which is a big step forward in our relationship.

Saturday began with my first ever 5K run. I finished MUCH slower than I would have liked, but I am giving myself a break since I actually finished it. The race was along Ocean Drive on South Beach. I had the Ocean on one side of me and shopping on the other - talk about living the dream. The weather was also cooperating - the rain from the day before had left behind clear blue skies with temps in the low 70's. After the race, I had my hair cut. This is perhaps the one dark spot on my weekend. I will just say that my stylist is trying to resurrect the pixie cut. I am truly ambivalent about it. Sometimes I look at it and think cute - sometimes I look at it and think OMG how short.

After the hair cut, I headed off for my Pilates class. For the first time in 6 weeks, I actually felt like I "got it". Pilates is much harder than I anticipated. It looks easy enough when other people do it, but I didn't appreciate how much ab work is involved. After Pilates, I had a shower, talked to a couple of friends, and then headed back out for Art and Design night in the Design District. It was more fun that I thought it would be, and I stumbled across an actual Christian Louboutin store. Talk about Art and Design - beauty personified. That store could spell serious trouble for my financial future.

Sunday was more low key. Church in the morning, and then plans to finally do my taxes. However, I concluded that it is absolutely impossible to pay taxes when it is 84 degrees with blue skies and a beach nearby. So, I put them off yet again and hung out on the beach for the rest of the afternoon. I went with a couple of residents from work. They were both trying to avoid getting sun while I was actively seeking it. Of course, I am as pale as ever, but it was still fun.

Yesterday was a LONG day of clinic, but I saw several patients who actually need operations. Always a good thing. Maybe I am finally settling into things here - now if only they don't close my hospital.

Friday, March 12, 2010

Hindsight 20/20

As you will recall, a large part of my job search was focused on location. I had better financial offers, but was hesitant to live in the Northeast long term. Looks like my personal comfort should have figured less into my decision making tree. Here are just a few of the headlines from around here:

Death spiral, failure and insolvency - good news never seemed so far away.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Bad Omen?

I haven't mentioned my running much lately. Mostly because it has been going so well that I didn't want to jinx it. As I only have smart friends, I am sure you have all guessed that is no longer the case.

I have been running 3 times a week fairly regularly for a couple of months now. Prior to that, I had been doing the walk/run thing for a couple of months. Most of my runs are between 2-4 miles, but I have stretched it to 5 miles on the weekends a few times now. I refuse to lie and tell you that I feel great at the end of my runs, or even that I look graceful while doing it. (Unless you consider sweaty red faced people graceful.) I am still in search of that elusive "runner's high", but at least I no longer feel as if I need oxygen and an EKG at the end of a run.

I am running my first 5K this Saturday. Therefore, I was only planning to run 2.5 miles yesterday. I made it, but barely. I haven't had such a bad run in - well forever. All of my runs start as a test of wills - my body has to convince my brain that I am not going to die and to shut up and keep running. It takes almost a mile, but my body usually wins. My brain could not be silenced yesterday. It kept offering helpful insights about how humid and warm it was, or how strong the wind was blowing, or pointing out the horrible dead fish smell.

I am hoping this was just an exceptionally bad day. I'm forcing myself to get back on the saddle today for another 2.5 miles. Hoping this isn't an omen of things to come on Saturday.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Tall personality?

During my Pilates session yesterday, my instructor paused to readjust one of the machines. She made the statement that I was a little bit shorter than she, so she needed to lower the machine. As my trainer is about 5'10", I laughed and said the Cuban definition of little is different than the American one.

With a perplexed look, she asked: "what are you 5'6" or 5'7"?" After offering to make her an eye appointment, I responded that I am 5' 2 1/2" tall. She laughed and said she didn't believe me. Why anyone would lie about being shorter than they actually are is beyond me, but to appease her, I allowed her to measure me.

Much to my dismay - I hadn't grown at all. I still stand as short as ever. Her response - "it must be your personality. You seem so much taller than that."

Monday, March 8, 2010

Weekend Bender

Recovering this morning from the bender I went on over the weekend. By the end of last week, I felt that I should be wearing a black cloak and carrying a scythe. I gave bad news to everyone. I get that I operate on cancer, and bad news is part and parcel. However, usually I get to mix in a little hope with the bad news - not so much last week.

Despite being on call this weekend, and having to interview prospective fellows, I needed to unplug. Friday evening was a wash, I met with my trainer and then had to meet up with the interview candidates for a "social" event at a local hangout. Likewise, Saturday morning involved rounding and interviewing potential fellows. Finally able to bust out around 2 pm, and headed straight to the local mall.

Don't act surprised - it is common knowledge that shopping is how I unplug. I had a plan - at least initially. I am going home for Easter this year, so thought I would pick up a new dress for Easter Sunday. First stop - Ann Taylor. Found an adorable spring floral dress with matching cardigan. Even better - they were both on sale. Since I was "saving" money, I decided the two additional dresses and a couple of sweaters from the clearance rack were basically free. (I know - I know, but they really were good bargains and ADORABLE.)

A normal person would have then gone home, but I've never really understood why anyone wants to be normal. I needed shoes to go with my new Easter dress. Nordstrom just happened to be next door, and seemed entirely logical at the time. I browsed around in shoe Heaven for a while when the devil (dressed as a salesman) approached. I showed him the dress, and even showed him the shoe that I had decided upon. He disappeared into the Garden of Eden, and returned a few moments later with 5 bright shiny tempting apples.

The shoe that I wanted was not available in my size, he says, but he brought a few other options for me to try. I spent the next 30 minutes trying on shoes - each more gorgeous than the one before it. I didn't take all 5, but 3 of them really were just too cute to leave at the store. Since I was running out of hands, I headed for home. (I actually ended up back at a different mall that evening, but only for dinner and a movie.)

Sunday brought me back to the hospital. After finally breaking free sometime after noon, I decided to head to the gym for a work-out. As I am walking toward the gym, the sales lady at the boutique next door mentions what a great sale they are having today. I felt it would be rude to not a least check it out. Three dresses and a top later, I finally got my workout.

As I sat on my sofa surveying my bounty, I couldn't help but smile. I can't afford to have these weekends often, but every once in a while has to be cheaper than therapy.

Thursday, March 4, 2010


Conversation at work this morning:

My assistant: "Dr. Baxter, you look very nice today."

Me: "Thank you"

My assistant: "The other women {in the office} and I were just wondering - do you ever wear the same outfit twice?"

Me: "Very funny, I wear the same clothes all the time"

My assistant: "No, we have been watching. Other than scrubs, you haven't repeated since Christmas."

Me: "My name is Tammy Baxter, and I am a shopaholic"

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Old fashioned - maybe

Okay, call me old-fashioned, but I don't get what kids are wearing these days. By kids, I should tell you, I mean the next generation of female physcians. If the only difference between your work attire and your club attire is the amount of make-up you are wearing - it is WRONG!!!!!

I may not approve, but I understand that "appropriate" attire for physicians is an evolving thing. Not my choice, but if you want to wear chinos or dark-washed jeans during the week, as long as you pair it with appropriate shoes and top - I may not like it, but I can live with it. When you wear hooker shoes, skirts that barely cover anything, and a glittery top, I think you might be missing the point.

The hospital, contrary to popular nursing belief, is not a place to pick up guys. There is no bar where you can "look" your way into free drinks. I personally would have a very hard time taking menu advice from these women - I certainly would struggle at the idea of my life being entrusted in their hands.

Okay - I'll step down from my soap box and let everyone return to their activities - for which I am confident you are all appropriately dressed.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

A "Good" night's sleep

A lot is made in the news about the value of a good night's sleep. It is supposedly restorative to one's mental and physical well-being. Okay . . .I'll buy that most of the time, but something went wrong for me last night.

I went to bed feeling fine. I woke up 6 1/2 hours later feeling anything but great. My head hurts; my nose is running; my throat is sore; my chest is congested; and my whole body aches. Glad I didn't get the full 8 - no telling how bad I would feel.

Monday, March 1, 2010

Only in Miami

This morning in clinic, one of the nurses pulled me aside to ask me a question. Her question: "who did your breasts?" It took me a minute, but I was finally able to respond - "God with a little help from Victoria Secret."

What I can't decide is should I be flattered that she thought I had a nice pair, offended that she thought they were fake, appalled that she spent anytime thinking about them at all, or amused that only in Miami (and perhaps LA) is that considered a legitimate question.