Monday, March 29, 2010

Symphony and Seafood

Had another great weekend. May learn to like this place yet. Would be more convinced if it was pouring down rain today with tornado warnings. I thought I had traded tornadoes for hurricanes. No one said anything about having to deal with both.

Friday night I had tickets to the symphony. For reasons that aren't entirely clear to me, I watched the Cleveland symphony perform in Miami. There was also a techno music festival going on next door. It made for horrible traffic, but hilarious looking crowds. You had the well dressed symphony goers walking side by side with the pink/purple hair punk rockers. It was quite the sight. The symphony was truly amazing. Almost made me want to dust off my old piano.

Saturday was a lazy day for me. I slept in late, read for a bit, went to a Pilates class, and spent the afternoon catching up on Lost. Sunday afternoon brought the Seafood festival. I have been to many festivals in my life - corn, potatoes, watermelon, etc, but never one for seafood. It was great. I have never seen, smelled and tasted so much seafood in my life. They had tons of booths set up from on the local and best seafood places. The food was cheap and plentiful. It was held in a grassy park by the bay - picturesque. They also had local artists and activities set up for kids. Will definitely go back next year. They even had kettle corn - out of place maybe, but wouldn't be a festival without it.

All in all a great weekend.


  1. Mmmmmm.....kettle corn!! Miss it (and you!)

  2. Sounds like so much fun...I'm glad you might just start liking Miami! I hope you no longer need an ark and can return to focusing on finding that friend with a boat.
