Thursday, March 11, 2010

Bad Omen?

I haven't mentioned my running much lately. Mostly because it has been going so well that I didn't want to jinx it. As I only have smart friends, I am sure you have all guessed that is no longer the case.

I have been running 3 times a week fairly regularly for a couple of months now. Prior to that, I had been doing the walk/run thing for a couple of months. Most of my runs are between 2-4 miles, but I have stretched it to 5 miles on the weekends a few times now. I refuse to lie and tell you that I feel great at the end of my runs, or even that I look graceful while doing it. (Unless you consider sweaty red faced people graceful.) I am still in search of that elusive "runner's high", but at least I no longer feel as if I need oxygen and an EKG at the end of a run.

I am running my first 5K this Saturday. Therefore, I was only planning to run 2.5 miles yesterday. I made it, but barely. I haven't had such a bad run in - well forever. All of my runs start as a test of wills - my body has to convince my brain that I am not going to die and to shut up and keep running. It takes almost a mile, but my body usually wins. My brain could not be silenced yesterday. It kept offering helpful insights about how humid and warm it was, or how strong the wind was blowing, or pointing out the horrible dead fish smell.

I am hoping this was just an exceptionally bad day. I'm forcing myself to get back on the saddle today for another 2.5 miles. Hoping this isn't an omen of things to come on Saturday.

1 comment:

  1. It could be worry about the run - I think you'll be fine!!
