Monday, March 8, 2010

Weekend Bender

Recovering this morning from the bender I went on over the weekend. By the end of last week, I felt that I should be wearing a black cloak and carrying a scythe. I gave bad news to everyone. I get that I operate on cancer, and bad news is part and parcel. However, usually I get to mix in a little hope with the bad news - not so much last week.

Despite being on call this weekend, and having to interview prospective fellows, I needed to unplug. Friday evening was a wash, I met with my trainer and then had to meet up with the interview candidates for a "social" event at a local hangout. Likewise, Saturday morning involved rounding and interviewing potential fellows. Finally able to bust out around 2 pm, and headed straight to the local mall.

Don't act surprised - it is common knowledge that shopping is how I unplug. I had a plan - at least initially. I am going home for Easter this year, so thought I would pick up a new dress for Easter Sunday. First stop - Ann Taylor. Found an adorable spring floral dress with matching cardigan. Even better - they were both on sale. Since I was "saving" money, I decided the two additional dresses and a couple of sweaters from the clearance rack were basically free. (I know - I know, but they really were good bargains and ADORABLE.)

A normal person would have then gone home, but I've never really understood why anyone wants to be normal. I needed shoes to go with my new Easter dress. Nordstrom just happened to be next door, and seemed entirely logical at the time. I browsed around in shoe Heaven for a while when the devil (dressed as a salesman) approached. I showed him the dress, and even showed him the shoe that I had decided upon. He disappeared into the Garden of Eden, and returned a few moments later with 5 bright shiny tempting apples.

The shoe that I wanted was not available in my size, he says, but he brought a few other options for me to try. I spent the next 30 minutes trying on shoes - each more gorgeous than the one before it. I didn't take all 5, but 3 of them really were just too cute to leave at the store. Since I was running out of hands, I headed for home. (I actually ended up back at a different mall that evening, but only for dinner and a movie.)

Sunday brought me back to the hospital. After finally breaking free sometime after noon, I decided to head to the gym for a work-out. As I am walking toward the gym, the sales lady at the boutique next door mentions what a great sale they are having today. I felt it would be rude to not a least check it out. Three dresses and a top later, I finally got my workout.

As I sat on my sofa surveying my bounty, I couldn't help but smile. I can't afford to have these weekends often, but every once in a while has to be cheaper than therapy.


  1. Oh Tammy, I am so happy for your wonderful day!! That would be pretty much my ideal day, too. Wish we could have done it together and then got pedis. ; )

  2. Hello, your name is Tammy, and you are a shopaholic! Glad you had so much fun.
