Thursday, April 23, 2009


I have often thought that I missed a few lines the day they were passing out girl traits. While some of the traits I seemed to get double portions (shopping, love of chic flicks and books, vanity, etc) there are others that I missed completely. For example, I have never truly been boy crazy. I think boys make a very nice accessory, but are not a crucial part of the outfit. I have always been way too independent to want to be "taken care of" or "protected". I have never bought into the feminist argument that women can have it all. I actually think that women and men are inherently and probably even genetically different, and to say that we aren't ignores some fairly obvious science. I am not sure that I picked up the procreation gene. I like kids, but am not convinced that I want any of my own.

I say all of that to say this - I need closure. I am starting to get VERY angry that the people in Little Rock have not had the common, and quite frankly professionally expected, courtesy to call or write me and tell me that I did not get the job. I have accepted it, but someone should be "man" enough to tell me.

The interview itself I felt initially went well. We seemed to have good chemistry during my first interview, and I thought during my second at first. On Friday morning, I had breakfast with the Chief of CT Surgery. He spent the entire breakfast telling me how qualified both of the candidates were for the job. He talked about how hard the decision was going to be, and even went so far as to say that whomever did not get the job should not take it personally. Sometimes there is just a better fit with certain personalities. I was born a blond, and have resorted back to that color a few times with the help of my hairdresser, but I'm not dumb. I could easily read between the lines and realize that I was being let down. However, at no time did he just go ahead and say - sorry we have decided to go another way. What he did say was that we plan to make our decision fairly quickly, and will let you know by mid next week. (I also had a dinner that evening with the older cardiac surgeon. We will just say that he made an inappropriate comment related to the fact that my genes match, and move on.)

I am not complaining that I didn't get the job - Although, I think they are making a huge mistake. I would be perfect for this job. I have the required experience, eagerness, and already understand "how the South works". I get that sometimes you just don't get the job. What I want to know is why did I not get his one. Did I use the wrong fork? I think a debriefing is in order. It would be very useful information to take to the next interview. I need closure of this relationship so that I can move on - is that too much to ask?

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