Monday, April 13, 2009

My Jewish Easter

Since I happened to have this past weekend off, and I knew the no fun job interview traveling was starting this week, I decided to head out for a fun trip. The winner (unlucky soul) of a "weekend with Tammy" - my friend Jessica in D.C. I ostensibly went down for the cherry blossoms. In reality, she has a 4 month old baby, and I needed munchkin time.

Even though the Jewish holiday of Passover started two nights earlier, Jessica still okayed my visit. She is quite the trooper. She had three days of non-stop family events, mostly hosted by her, and she still seemed eager for my visit. She is either a very good liar or a saint. I arrived a little later than planned on Friday (traffic was a bear), and got my first taste of Passover. Jessica still had in-laws in town so we all had Friday night dinner at her house.

I come from a very large Southern family, and we know how to have a big family dinner. I thought this was unique to my culture. Boy was I wrong. The competitive person in me refuses to admit that we may have been outdone, but boy was there a spread for dinner. I had my choice of 3 meat entrees, and decided to try 2 of the 3 with seconds. I ate, and ate, and then nibbled some more. I am fairly certain I ate more in 3 hours than I had the previous 3 days combined. It was delicious, and I am now a very big fan of dark chocolate covered Matzoh.

I did other things there besides eat, but I did nothing else quite as well. I got plenty of muchkin time. At 4 months, Micah has more hair than I did at 4 years. He is a very happy baby - lots of smiling and cooing. He has a great life (eating, sleeping, and playing) and seems to know it. We also headed out to a local neighborhood with beautiful cherry blossoms and GORGEOUS homes. I love driving through old neighborhoods and looking at houses. We ended the trip yesterday downtown at the tidal basin. I missed the peak of the blossoms, but the entire downtown DC area is so gorgeous it is still always fun to be there. We even got a chance to wander through the Museum of American History.

All in all it was a much needed respite from my life. Today I am back at the grindstone. Heading out Wednesday for my second trip to Little Rock - wish me luck!

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