Sunday, April 5, 2009


I decided to walk to work this morning. I am not sure what led to such a notion, and in all honesty probably not my brightest idea ever - it was both cold and dark when I set off - nevertheless off I set. Dawn finally started to break after I stopped for coffee and I was at least able to appreciate the sights for at the last portion of my walk.

The sights are actually the purpose of my musings. For the first time, I actually saw true signs of spring this morning. There were daffodils, azaleas, and blooming pear trees. I think I even saw a cherry blossom. I have spent so much time complaining about the lack of these things I wanted to make sure that I remark on how happy I am that they are here. Reportedly it is even warm and sunny today. I have been breathing designer air and bathing in fluorescent lighting all day, but rumor has it tomorrow is also slated to be nice. Since by then I will have spent 60 of the 72 hours of the weekend in the hospital, I will be trying to spend as much of tomorrow as possible as far away from here as possible.

Hopefully spring has sprung and is here to stay.

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