Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Will Work for Food

Where did all the work go? It is getting to the point that I am a little embarrassed to call myself a resident. It is now 11 am, and I am finished for the day. Honest - finished for the day! I am going to waste a couple of hours studying, but that is all I have left today. What happened to more work that one thought you could handle?

Part of the problem this week is the Holidays. I have one attending leaving town to spend Easter with his in-laws, and another off for the next couple of days for Passover. Therefore, we had one case today - an easy one at that. I "had" to do it because the patient is incredibly vain and wanted a small incision. My reputation for small incisions is rampant and usually the source of much ribbing. This is the one time that it was seen as an asset.

I think the bigger problem is the economy. Even for us (life saving surgery an all). People aren't going to the doctor for problems. Therefore, they don't get their CXR with an incidental finding of lung cancer. The scary part is that all of those people still have lung cancer - we just won't know about it until it has spread and is no longer curable.

I am glad the economy is starting to show slow signs of recovery, but I am a stronger believer than ever that we need a more universal health care program. Good health should not be dependent on the economy. Period. It shouldn't matter if you are working this week or not if you have chest pain you should get to see a doctor. The current system is hurting and will continue to hurt us in the long run. We need a system where people are encouraged to stay well, not one that slaps band aids on people once they have passed the point of repair.

Okay - I am now stepping off of my soap box. I just wished a few Republican members of congress had to spend a few days in my shoes and see what I get to see.

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