Saturday, June 27, 2009

The difference a year makes

As some of you might recall, when I started this blog one year ago, I had just been royally screwed by my movers. Therefore, as you might imagine, I approached this whole move with much trepidation. Oh what a difference. As promised, the movers called yesterday to tell me exactly what time they would be here this morning. Then, they actually showed up right on time. Four men with gruff Philly accents that I have never met, then proceeded to touch everything that I own. I admit that part takes some getting used to, but the sitting here while all the packing and loading is done is great. I will never move myself again.

As I sit here mooching off someone's Internet, the guys are loading up the last of my belongings. There has been much ribbing about how many clothes that I have (they actually had to call and have some deliver more boxes), but the move has gone smoothly. They also commented on my obsessive organization, and laughed at me as I walked around behind them picking up trash. I can't help it - I can't leave trash on the floor. Once everything is out of here, I am hoping to grab a quick shower and then I am off to my Sugarland/Kenny Chesney concert. I am actually glad that I have plans because sitting here in a empty dark apartment would be depressing. Last day of in house call ever is tomorrow. I am WAY excited, but after last call expecting the worst. I officially leave Philly on Wednesday. Looks like the last of the boxes are heading out - do you tip these guys and if so how much???? Guess I should have thought of this earlier.

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