Sunday, June 28, 2009

Last Call

Ten years is a long time to be a resident. Anyone that tries to convince you otherwise is crazy. However, I can say that it has gone by incredibly fast. I remember my very first night on call. It was "home" call at University hospital. I lay awake all night petrified every time the pager went off. I was still looking up how to order Tylenol.

I have spent a large portion of the next ten years on call. My heart no longer races when the phone goes off, and thankfully the only medications that I regulate these days are pressors, but at the end of the day call hasn't changed all that much. It is still an exhausting and at times exhilarating experience. However it is one that I am willing to give up.

I am 7 hours into my last 24 hours of resident call ever. I expected a certain amount of giddiness today perhaps even a little swagger. Maybe as the day wears on it will show. As of now, tomorrow still seems to far away. It probably doesn't help that I only got 3 hours of sleep Friday night and 5 hours last night. I have been trying to take a nap this morning, but have been inundated with patient calls.

Another thing that hasn't changed, I survive call by dreaming of the things to do post call. It is often as simple as a long hot shower. Tomorrow I have to run a few errands, and then I want to revisit some of my favorite Philly places. It may be my last chance before I leave. Here's hoping that the rest of my call cooperates with my plans.

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