Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Broken Promises

I broke the one promise to myself that I REALLY didn't want to break today. I cleaned my kitchen and bathrooms. I know it is a silly thing, but this one hurts. I made myself quite a few promises to survive 10 years of surgical training. They all started somewhere along the lines of "when I finish residency ___ " . The blank was usually filled with some experience that I wanted or task that I could avoid. Some were serious and some less so, but none meant as much to me as the promise of a maid.

I am somewhat obsessed about clean bathrooms. I am not quite sure what the deal is with them, but toilet bowl rings and tile grout are like nails on a chalkboard for me. The problem - I HATE to clean bathrooms. Ironic? Sure. The real painful irony - I now have 3!!!!! Throw in black granite counter tops that show every spot and stainless steal appliances that would make a CSI team ecstatic with the fingerprints to process - let us just say that hiring a maid will definitely precede buying the new furniture that I desperately need. I mean a girl has to have priorities.

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