Saturday, September 5, 2009


I have reached the worst part of unpacking. You know the part where it occurs to you that you have way more crap than space to store said crap. The part where you get creative and decide that the 1/2 bath is a great place to store boots?

As I was attempting to put one more skirt into my overstuffed closet, I turn on the television for a break. What you might ask is on? An A&E special about Hoarders. Yes, they were going into the homes of people who were compulsive shoppers and showing the massive amounts of things in their homes. These people were living in the most deplorable conditions. As I watched horrified, I looked around my living room. Everywhere I looked I saw signs of conspicuous consumption.

I immediately got up and started editing my closet. I am giving away two large boxes of clothes, and yet my closet is still full. What is wrong with me???? Everyone is dying to see my new apartment - it looks like they will only have to turn on A&E.

1 comment:

  1. Ummmm....except those people on Hoarders won't throw away garbage or ANYTHING. And I'm pretty sure they don't label anything (let alone have a label maker).
