Saturday, September 12, 2009


I have always walked a fine line between quirky and insane. I have now officially fallen into insanity. My qualifying event? Fall. . . the season not the verb.

Everyone has kindly listened to me complain for 5 of the last 9 months about how much I hated cold weather. I kept a jacket out from the movers, and used it. IT WAS THE END OF JUNE!! Since my delicate nature seems to necessitate warmer climates, one would think that Miami would be perfect for me. It is well into September, and we still haven't had a day that didn't reach the mid 90's. I am told to expect a couple of "cold" days with highs in the mid 60's come January.

So what's my problem? Television. (I have probably watched more television in the last 3 months than I have in the last 3 years. ) I am one of those strange people that actually watch the commercials. It is not that I particularly like commercials, but I hate missing a part of the show. I am not good at timing when to flip back. Over the past week, commercials (even here) have gone from summer savings to fall fashions. It has made me very nostalgic for Fall.

Is it the idea of shopping for a new season? Is it the sight of leaves changing? Is it the first bite of winter in the air? Is it the smell of cinnamon and pumpkins? I am not sure, but I have to find a way to snap out of it. I am fairly certain that fall clothes won't fit into my closet, palm trees don't change colors, 80 degrees will be my "bite" of winter, and cinnamon is not a Latin spice. I am struggling to like this city. I don't need something else to hold against it. HELP!

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