Friday, September 18, 2009

Little Things

Isn't it amazing how such little things can change your whole outlook on life? Usually it is the bad things that I let get to me. However, today something as simple as a grocery store made my entire day. I was walking home from the metro this afternoon when I saw a Publix. Now it is the fourth Publix within 4 blocks of my island. ( I am fine with the Publix part which is good since other than one lone Whole Foods on South Beach it is the only option.) I had tried the other 3 and quite frankly left scared. They were all cramped and dirty. I so don't do dirty grocery stores. They all also lacked organization. I mean baby supplies were on the same isle as pasta and rice. The fruit was in the same bins as the meat. They were simply bizarre.

This was not a Publix that I had noticed. It looked good from the outside, but so had the others. I walked in and heard the angels sing. It was spacious, organized, and most importantly clean. It seems like a simple thing, but it has put me in an entirely new state of mind. I may fall in love with this city after all.


  1. Yay for Publix! Sometimes it's the little things . . . .

  2. Glad you found something to make you happy - it is those little things that make it all okay, isn't it?
