Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Runner's High?

It is common knowledge that I have a love/hate relationship with running. I love what it does for my body, but hate doing it. I have always envied my "runner" friends. Not only do they all have amazing bodies, but they all talk of feeling great after a run. The so-called runner's high. Having never experienced it, I was fairly certain they were making it up. You know just another skinny girl hoax - like the one where skinny girls always say they eat whatever they want.

You have to understand that for me running has always been just something I had to survive. The last 10 minutes of my runs are as horrible as the first 10 minutes. I had read all about that wall I had to bust through, but was fairly certain I had never run far enough to actually encounter it.

Recently, I decided to give running another go. I was still convinced I would hate it, but needed the morale boost of getting back into shape. I am hoping to not jinx myself, but I am now 2 for the last 2 runs. I am doing a "Galloway" training method to get back into running shape. I do a run/walk 4 days a week. I am still fairly early in the program, but I will be honest those skinny girls may be onto something. Both of my runs this week have left me feeling energized and great. I may finally understand this whole running appeal. Now if only that eating whatever I wanted myth was true.

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