Tuesday, September 1, 2009

More Vacation !?@#!

I know one should never complain about time off, but in all honesty - I am so OVER it. I want to work!!!! Don't get me wrong, it has been great. Two months of relative rest and relaxation after 10 years of surgical training is exactly what the doctor ordered. However, it is now time for the doctor to go back to work. I am just not meant for the idle life.

I have been bored for about 6 weeks now, but trying to stick it out because it seemed impolite to complain. I know lots of people who would have killed for eight weeks of nothingness. Turns out, I am not one of those people. All is well and good for the first little bit, and then one runs out of nothingness to do. I mean a girl can only sleep and read so much, and don't even get me started on daytime television.

So why am I still on vacation? Licensure. I honestly don't understand how you hear stories about people practicing without the appropriate credentials. I applied for my Florida license in June. I was obsessively (shocking I know) compulsive about getting my paperwork in to the board in a timely manner, and still I did not get my license until today.

The good news . . . I got my Florida license today. The bad news . . . now I still have to get credentialed at the two hospitals. I haven't been able to turn in my credentialing paperwork until I had a license. All in all it seems that I am at least looking at another 2-4 weeks of "vacation". I am not sure I can handle it - I REALLY NEED A LIFE AGAIN.

1 comment:

  1. I think you need to TRAVEL - vacation is no fun when you sit at home by yourself. I hear the monuments in DC calling you....or at least a quick jaunt up to Orlando to meet me when I'm there.
